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I making my own qoutes to express what i feel inside if i sad, happy, lonely, depress and inspire.

'' alone sometimes and sad because they break my heart, can you fix it?''
'' You're the reason why i can smile after all of those pain i suffered, your love will be my drug''
''You heal the wound of my heart, and fix my broken heart. Your all need like the air I breath''
''I want to walk with you. I want to see your smite beside you and say i need you cause i love you''
''Time, days and nights will pass like nothing, But no time, days and nights will pass that i won't think of you, and realize that i fall inlove with you.''
''I love being me but its hurt''
''Every one will hurt you, the only one you can do is find the person will suffer it for you.''
''Its hard to smile if someone break your heart that made you sad and cry, but still waiting the right one can fix me and made me smile.''
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